Books - English

All through my ministerial years I have been writing, mostly to edify God’s people. This is in line with my basic calling as a Bible Teacher. Whatever I wrote from 1971 to 2003 was published by the Blessing Youth Mission (BYM) which I led as its CEO for those 33 years. Since my retirement in 2003 from BYM, I am publishing, whatever I write, on my own. Most of my Books and Booklets are available on this website for free downloading. If you need the hard copy of any these books, please contact me at the address on the CONTACT US page.

Be Blessed!


1.Balanced Christian

  • English

10 Chapters with titles like Studying Christian, Praying Christian and Family Christian.


2.Better Everyday

  • English

The Daily Devotional of the 21st Century! The digest of what R. Stanley has written over 40 years. Both devotional and doctrinal.

A new release that is liked by Christians of all Churches, all age groups and all backgrounds!

 Available in Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Tamil and Telugu also. The Khasi language edition underway.


3.Bible Answers

  • English

Frank Answers to 100 Questions, frequently asked but rarely answered, under the following seven sections

 (1) Christian Life (2) Christian Doctrine (3) Holy Spirit & Gifts (4) The Church (5) Christian Ministry (6) Sex & Marriage (7) Social Life. A must reading for every Christian & Preacher!


4.Bible Baskets

  • English

Study Outlines on the following Books:

Isaiah, Matthew (Discipleship), Matthew (Leadership), Acts, Romans, Ephesians, 1 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter, Jonah.

These Outlines were developed and used by the author on several occasions from 1978 to 1989.


5.Bible College

  • English

Sound and Solid Scriptural teaching on Bible Interpretation, Trinity, Testamental Differences, Manifestation of the Holy Spirit, Discerning of spirits, Presence of God, Prophesying, Spiritual Warfare, Doctrine of the Church, Grace of God, Second Coming of Christ and much more!


6.Bible Highways

  • English

Outlines of Thematic Talks by the author in 13 Camps for Men, and 14 Camps for Women and 16 General Programmes between 1971 and 2022 which sparkled Revival fires! Excellent for personal study and pulpit preaching!


7.Bible Holiness

  • English

God who commands us, “Be holy," also promises us, “I make you holy!" With such a challenge and an encouragement, this book explains in the Biblical light how we can be holy in the following areas ...

1. Holiness in WORSHIP 2. Holiness in WORDS 3. Holiness in WORK 4. Holiness in WITNESSING 5. Holiness in WARFARE  6. Holiness in WEAKNESSES 7. Holiness and the WORLD.


8.Bible Pearls

  • English

200 Select Sermon Outlines from a Pulpit Ministry of 50+ years, 1963-2016 .

These Outlines are under 14 heads — 1. Repentance & Salvation 2. Bible & Doctrine 3. Christian Life 4. Prayer & Worship 5. Revival & Restoration 6. Evangelism & Missions 7. The Church 8. Preaching & Ministry 9. Work, Relationship & Leadership 10. Cross & Suffering 11. Family 12. Youth 13. Character Studies & General 14. Death & Second Coming.


9.Bible Power

  • English

What the Bible teaches on the Holy Spirit.

This book is about the Power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a Person in the Trinitarian Godhead like God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son. He is mentioned at least 350 times in the Bible. A deficient knowledge of the Holy Spirit is the root cause of all the major ills in the Church of Jesus Christ today. The material in this book serves rich spiritual food both to the Pentecostals and non-Pentecostals.

 50 Chapters under three categories: (a) Articles (b) Study Notes (c) Questions & Answers Scripture Index included.


10.Bible Seeds

  • English

Here’s a compilation 366+ Sermonettes, Each seed-thought would serve as a study or sermon starter.

"The Preachers sought to find delightful words; and what was written was upright words of truth. The words of the wise are like goads, and the words of scholars are like well-driven nails, given by one Shepherds!" (Ecclesiastes 12:10, 11)


11.Bible Streams

  • English

This book would set you in motion, challenge and motivate you to act, stir up and inspire you to go deeper and climb higher, and convict you to be cleansed of all that stinks in life! Each of the 20 chapters here helps you to be revived and renewed in your walk with God and work for Him.


12.Bible Treasures

  • English

200 Corrective Bible Lessons from the beginning of Christian Life to the end of physical life.


13.Bible Victory

  • English

Christian life is a warfare from beginning to end. That’s why at the end of his life Apostle Paul testified, “I have fought the good fight" (2 Tim 4:7). And he challenged young Timothy, saying, “Fight the good fight of faith" (1 Tim 6:12). The Subject of “Spiritual Warfare" has gained lot of interest these days in Christendom. Unfortunately, so much of unscriptural and extra-Biblical stuff has entered the teachings on this subject. This 400-page book teaches you clearly what you can do and what you must not do while confronting Satan.

 There are totally 50 Chapters in this book divided under two Sections: 1. Christian Life (30 Chapters) 2. Christian Doctrine & Ministry (20 Chapters).  


14.Blessed are the Obedient!

  • English

A Biblical Call to a Life of Obedience! 6 Chapters


15.Bold & Beautiful

  • English

Nurturing Godly virtues from a Biblical perspective.

The Author (Evangeline Stanley), is a Christian Psychologist, with an Advanced Christian Counselling training in UK. She now ministers as a freelance counsellor with her 28 years (1997-2021) of experience in Biblical and Clinical counselling.


16.Corona Calls!

  • English

Beginning with the outbreak of Coronavirus, the Author started posting Articles relating to this crisis on WhatsApp and his Website. Fourteen of these Articles are compiled in this book.


17.Dare to be Different!

  • English

“Be a Roman when you are in Rome!" This saying does not mean we must compromise with evil. This is just an advice to avoid unnecessary conflicts with others but appreciate their culture. The youth of today are torn apart by various pulls and pressures as never before. Folks live neither on white nor black but grey-zone. This book is written for young men and young women who are puzzled whether to join the majority which runs after Satan or the minority which walks with God.


18.Enlightening Essays

  • English

18 Chapters with titles like “Why bad things to good people?" and “How to stay young"


19.Faith Life

  • English

The messages delivered on the theme, “The just shall live by faith!"


20.Fire in My Bones

  • English

12 hot messages from the heart under titles like “Why no message?" and “How we miss God’s will"


21.Five Loaves & Two Fish

  • English

Just as the Lord Jesus multiplied five loaves and two fish to sumptuously feed over five thousand people, the outlines in this book can be expanded limitlessly.

40 Outlines of Bible Truths for personal meditation, group study and pulpit ministry.


22.Good Morning, Moses!

  • English

The first five Books of the Bible by Moses, commonly called the Pentateuch, are foundational for the understanding of God’s Word. The New Testament is better grasped if studied with these Books as the background. Here’s a compilation of Chapterwise meditations from each of these Books. You would be blessed by the brevity and at the same time the clarity of each meditation.

Available in English and Tamil.


23.Happy Harvest

  • English

24 Chapters explaining how we can evangelize the world in our generation.


24.Higher Ways Higher Thoughts

  • English

What God’s Word says on crucial issues of Christian life and ministry like Temptation, Worship, Fasting, Doctrines and Miracles.


25.Jesus Footsteps

  • English

 The Call of Jesus: “Learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart; you will find rest of your souls!" (Mt 11:29). To help you respond positively to this Call, here are six studies on the basis of the beatitudes (5:3-10). The Chapter titles: Footsteps of Poorness, Footsteps of Passion, Footsteps of Pity, Footsteps of Purity, Footsteps of Peace and Footsteps of Pain. Available in Tamil.


26.Little Foxes

  • English

Outline Studies of 22 sins that destroy fruitful life


27.Old Paths

  • English

God’s call to individual Christians and Churches: “Stand in the ways and see; and ask for the Old Paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; then you will find rest for your souls!" (Jer 6:16). To help you respond positively to this Call, here are messages titled, Old Paths of the Scripture, Spirit, Solitude, Simplicity, Sacrifice and Soulwinning. Bringing you back from where you are to where you should be.


28.Open Heaven

  • English

Analytical messages from the Epistle to the Hebrews


29.Patience makes the Man!

  • English

8 Chapters on how to win the crown of virtues


30.Power belongs to God!

  • English

10 Chapters on how to experience God’s power in your life and work


31.Prayer Everyday

  • English

Prayer is said to be the Christian’s vital breath. The men and women of God, both in Bible history and Church history, were primarily known for their prayer life. Jesus never taught directly “How to Preach,” but He has taught us, “How to Pray” (Mt 6:9-13). This 416-page book has 366 Prayers on 26 Subjects, from Salvation to Second Coming. You will generally observe four vital elements in these Prayers: P-raise, R-epent, A-sk, and Y-ield.

Available in English, Tamil and Telugu.


32.Preach Better

  • English

Practical guidelines on How to receive Messages from God, How to construct a Sermon and How to preach a Sermon.


33.Preachers & People

  • English

Preachers make people; and people make preachers! “Like people, like priest" (Hos 4:9). Followership influences leadership; and leadership influences followership (Isa 24:2). The author speaks forthrightly both to the leaders and the followers about their mutual responsibility in accomplishing God’s purposes. 22 Chapters like “Where are the true Prophets?," “Don’ts for Preachers."


34.Prophet, Priest, King

  • English

Jesus came as a Prophet; He ascended as a Priest; He returns as a King. “Christ" or “Messiah" means the Anointed One. “Christians" are followers of the Anointed One. Christ has made all His followers as prophets, priests and kings through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This book tells us how to rejoice over this 3-fold privilege and fulfil this 3-fold responsibility.


35.Real Christian

  • English

Biblical Exhortations for new Believers and growing Christians.

The Author (G. Christian Weiss), as a seasoned Bible Teacher, 1910-1983, was the Voice of Missions in the back to the Bible Broadcasting Ministry, USA.

R. Stanley received the assurance of personal Salvation while reading this book in 1962.


36.To Dear Students...

  • English

The author answers 20 questions from youngsters like “How to overcome temptations" and “Is falling in love sin?"


37.When Revival Comes...

  • English

Revival means “times of refreshing from the presence of God!" It’s His fresh “visitation." The understanding of what happens when Revival comes will deepen our longing for Revival. When Revival comes, God’s people learn again to worship Him in spirit and in truth; they find Bible meditation more delightsome than any pastime; they become active soulwinners, and so on. 23 Chapters.


38.Wild Honey

  • English

12 Chapters to teach truths that make strong Christians


39.Youth Revival Letters

  • English

Unedited Revival History from Original Letters 1970-1990.

¨ 160 Letters from the Heart   ¨ 800 Photographs & Pictures   ¨ 30 Reports of Revival  ¨ 50 Articles of Challenge   ¨ 33 Songs of Inspiration  ¨ 8 Self-exam Questionnaires .     

Anyone who reads through this Book will cry with tears, “Will You not Revive us again, O Lord?"